The Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of Hindustan First Grade College had organized Faculty
Empowerment Program (Session 1) on “Research Methodology: Tools & Techniques” on 20/11/2020. The
academicians and research scholars were invited for the webinar. The program initiated with a welcome address by
Dr. Mamatha, IQAC Coordinator, HFGC followed by the Principal’s address. The resource person, Dr. V S T
Krishna, Head Research Cell, VVFGC shared the video of an incident in order to set an example for importance of
repetition process in research. He highlighted the importance of qualitative and quantitative data, how common sense has strong limits compared to scientific research, the ways to recognize independent and dependent variables,
critical issues related to research literature & research reports and insisted the participants to develop the ability to
write research proposals and research papers. Last 10 minutes of the session was reserved for the discussions and
feedback of the particular session. The participants have given a positive feedback and they had appreciated & congratulated the organizing team. The webinar concluded with a thanking note by Dr. Mamatha M, IQAC Coordinator.