“Anyone can be tough for a season. It takes a special kind of human to rise to life’s challenges for a lifetime.” — Chris Matakas Ms. Tulsi Jadav, student of first year B.Com is the Star of Hindustan of the 10th issue of newsletter. Ms. Tulsi is practicing Wushu since 5 years with the able guidance of Mr. Asif M K at Mysuru Wushu Association.
Wushu is a hybrid martial art based on traditional Chinese styles. While it incorporates many combative techniques it is also a performance art to an extent, with many acrobatic techniques as well.
Ms. Tulsi says that the self defense technique of Wushu attracted her and created a sense of passion in her to learn the art. Initially, she learnt the art of Wushu at her School – Baden Powel School and developed a great interest in the art. By the consistent practice and guidance from the coach, Tulsi has won many medals at National and State Level Competitions.
Ms.Tulsi Jadav has won Medal at State Level Wushu Championship 2019, Gold Medal at State Level Wushu Championship 2018, Silver Medal at State Level Wushu Championship 2017 and Gold Medal at District Level
Championship 2020 & Zonal Level Championship 2020. She has proved her excellence in performing Wushu at National Level Championship 2019.
She will be participating at State Level Championship 2021 on 5th February 2021 to be held at Bagalkot.
The Management, Principal, staff and students of Hindustan First Grade College wishes Ms. Tulsi Jadav a very
bright future ahead in her career.