The NSS unit of Hindustan College in association with the Y’s Men International Madras District organized a Youth Camp 2024 on 26th and 27th October 2024 at the International Youth Hostel, Mysuru. The camp was formally inaugurated by District Governor Ysm. Prabhu Dhanasekar, with an overview of the camp’s objectives and schedule presented by Camp Director Ysp. Dr. C.J. Priya.
The sessions began with a focus on leadership and personal development, conducted by Mr. Sudarshan from the Vivekananda Institute of Leadership Development, Mysuru. Participants explored self-awareness, goal-setting, and leadership qualities through interactive discussions. This was followed by a session on teamwork and collaboration led by Mr. Syed Aftab Ahmed, where participants learned about group dynamics and trust-building.
Outdoor activities included a city tour of the historic Mysore Palace and a Reel Challenge event themed “Mysuru: The Royal Heritage,” where participants showcased their creativity through short videos. An Aqua Zumba session at Advaitha Serenity Resort provided a refreshing workout experience, while the Talent Hunt cultural program offered a platform for participants to showcase their artistic abilities.
The second day began with a warm-up exercise session at Kukkarali Lake, Mysuru, followed by a trek to Chamundi Hills, promoting physical endurance and team bonding. A meditation session held at Chamundi Hill emphasized relaxation and mindfulness. A treasure hunt event encouraged strategic thinking, problem-solving, and cooperation as participants worked in teams to complete the challenge. A session on table etiquette covered essential dining manners, which participants practiced during a formal lunch.
The valedictory ceremony, held at Advaitha Serenity Resort, featured an inspiring address by District Governor Ysm. Prabhu Dhanasekar and a comprehensive report on camp activities by Camp Director Ysp. Dr. C.J. Priya. Campers shared their feedback, highlighting personal insights and memorable experiences. The event concluded with the announcement of results, followed by the distribution of certificates to the top 10 campers, recognizing their outstanding contributions. The camp was a resounding success, leaving participants enriched and inspired.