Hindustan First Grade College celebrated Christmas on 2nd December 2020. The campus was well decorated with crib, Christmas tree, stars and bells. The programme initiated with the Christmas Carols by the students of Orient Flights Aviation Academy, followed by the Christmas message and a prayer for permanent existence of love and peace rendered by Rev. Prakash Abhraham,Vicar, Marthoma Chruch.
Mr. Manjunath R, Airport Director, Mysuru Airport, Dr. Anand Jacob Verghese, Managing Director & CEO, Hindustan Group of Institutions, Capt. K S Bharadwaj, Chief Flight Instructor, Orient Flights Aviation Academy, Dr. Priya, Principal, HFGC, Mr. Vivek Reddy, Resident Executive & Advisor, HFGC, Mr. Milton, Corporate & Training Affairs and Mr. Abel Mathew Prasad, Special Officer graced the occasion with their presence. The celebration marked the share of joy by recognizing the achievements of students in solo flying. Wings were distributed to the students Academy, who had completed their solo flying. Also, the Management appreciated and congratulated the senior staff of HFGC for their services rendered to the institution. Mr. Eshwar, Asst. Professor, Dept. of Commerce & Management, Ms. Sukshma, Asst. Professor, Dept. of Computer Science, Ms. Nagasri, Asst. Professor, Dept. of English, Mr. Mohan Kumar, Physical Director, Dept. of sports, Ms. Dhanalakshmi, Asst. Librarian received laptop from the Management as a token of appreciation. The 8th issue of the college News Letter – Voice of Hindustan, was released during the celebration by the guests and the celebration concluded with Vote of Thanks, rendered by Capt. Basuraj, Chief Ground Instructor, Orient Flights Aviation Academy.