The NSS Unit, Hindustan College organized Taluk & District Level Declamation Contest in association with Y’s Men’s club of Mysore Chamundi & Youth, Nehru Yuva Kendra, Mysore and NSS Unit of Mysore University on 17th December 2021.
Prof. Kalachenegowda, Retired Principal, Maharaja College, Mysuru, Prof. K Chinnaswamy, Assistant Professor, Department of English, Maharanis college, Mysuru and Prof. Parameshwara Hegde, Assistant Professor, Department of Hindi, SBRR Mahajanas College, Mysuru were invited as guest and judges for the contest.
The programme was initiated with the State Anthem. Ms. Sukshma RD NSS Coordinator welcomed the gathering. This competition provided a platform for students to display and their communication and public speaking skills.
19 students from various colleges took part in Taluk level. They represented various great personalities. The top three winners were:
- Srilalitha, SDM College, Mysuru.
2.Vedha, SDM College, Mysuru
- Shivraju, Vidya Vardhaka First Grade College, Mysore.
District Level Contest was conducted during afternoon session. 24 students participated at District level competition. The winners of District Level were selected to participate in the State Level Competition.
The top three winners of District level Declamation contest are:
- Srilalitha, SDM College, Mysuru.
- Bhoomika, JSS First Grade College, Nanjungud.
- Kiran N, T Govt. First Grade College, T-Narispura.
Mr. Chendagiri, programme coordinator Nehru Yuva Kendra, Mysore thanked all the participants and staff for conducting the event successfully.