The Internal and Quality Assurance Cell in association with Y’s men club of Mysuru Chamundi organized a Panel Discussion on “Living with Covid 19 and Beyond Challenges and Opportunities” on 30th December 2020. Dr. Mohan Appaji Koleyanda, Professor, Department of ENT, Head and Neck surgery, KVG Medical College, Sullia, Dr Lokesh
A J, Professor and HOD, Department of Medicine, Kodagu Institute of Medical Science, Coorg, and Mrs. Lovis T. V, Nursing Officer, Kodagu Institute of Medical science, Coorg were invited as the panelists for the panel discussion. Dr. Mamatha M, Coordinator, IQAC welcomed the participants which was followed by Principal’s address who highlighted the ill effects of the pandemic and the challenges faced by the common people during the pandemic.
More than 100 participants inclusive of academicians, Research Scholars, students and Parents participated in the
discussion. Dr. Mohan Appaji Koleyanda briefed the Common Symptoms of Covid 19 and the first aid treatment.
He explained in detail the preventive measures to be taken regarding home isolation guidelines, Home Remedies and
Post Covid Management. He also gave safety tips, suggested immune boosters and explained importance of N95
masks and its important role in avoiding the spreading of virus.
Dr Lokesh A J, Professor and HOD Department of Medicine, Kodagu Institute of Medical Science, Coorg, explained
the type of treatment to be given at different stages, different type of diagnosis and testing done for detecting the infection, plasma treatment and therapies, quantity of intake of Vitamin C, D and Zinc, long term effect on the
infected persons. He also informed about the vaccination, and its effectiveness on the mutant virus.
Mrs. Lovis T V, Nursing Officer, Kodagu Institute of Medical science, Coorg explained about the care to be taken
for the Covid19 patients and gave valuable tips to the students to be taken as preventive measures which included
three mantra’s the students should follow to avoid Covid – wear the mask correctly, wash the hand frequently and
importance of keeping physical distance. She also gave her suggestions on including immune boosters in the diet in
order to avoid the pandemic effect.
During the discussion session, the faculties and students asked questions which were answered by the panelists. The
webinar concluded with a vote of thanks by Dr. Mamatha M.