The Department of English organised a Webinar on the topic “Untouchable: A Voice of Marginalized” on 16th December 2020. The webinar was based on the novel, Untouchable, written by Mulk Raj Anand, prescribed for the students of III Semester BCA. Dr. Usha B, Assistant Professor, Department of English, Government First Grade College, Kumta, Uttara Kannada District was invited as the speaker of the Webinar. The webinar initiated with a welcome address and introduction to the Resource Person by the Programme Convenor, Ms. Nagasri. S.
Dr. Usha, in her lecture, gave a detailed and comprehensive understanding of the novel, Untouchable. She explained the various dimensions of the practices prevailed in India, with reference to the protagonist of the novel – Bakha, who belonged to the Sweeper community. The speaker, through the character of Pandit Kali Nath tried to highlight the hypocrisy, snobbery and ostentation of the Upper Caste Hindus, who sometimes stoop very low to achieve their ends.
Dr. Usha gave a detail insight into the various characters like – Sohini, Lakha,Ram Charan, Chotu, Rakha – who, through their characters try to express great advocacy of marginalised and defenceless against their life – long humiliation and oppression. She concluded her lecture by recalling E.M.Froster’s opinion about the possible solutions to eradicate the caste system and the differences that prevailed. The participants, during the Feedback session, expressed that the webinar was resourceful and the Webinar concluded with a thanking note, rendered by Ms. Nagasri, Assistant Professor, Department of English, HFGC.