Independence Day was celebrated at Hindustan College on 15th August, 2021 with the staff and students to mark the 75th year of freedom. The program started with flag hoisting by Mr. Sidhu, GM Tech, Orient flights Aviation Academy followed by National Anthem.
This was followed by a musical rendition by Hindustan College staff, Mr. Raghunandan & Mr. Mohan Kumar who sang patriotic songs that awakened everyone’s feelings towards the motherland. Dr. Harshavardana, Asst. Professor, Dept. of Commerce & Management and Mr. Basawaraj, II B.Com rendered a speech highlighting the importance of the day. Patriotic songs were played by Damodar, II B.Com using flute. Mr. Abel Mathew Prasad, Special Officer, Hindustan College, Dr. C. J. Priya, Principal, Hindustan College and Captain Vipin, Deputy CFI, OFAA and Staff & students of Hindustan College & OFAA were present for the celebrations. Sweets were distributed to all the staff & students as a part of Independence Day. The program concluded with a thanking note by Ms. Nagasri, Asst. Professor, Dept. of English, Hindustan College. Indeed, it was a day of joy, a day to love and respect our country and make it a better place for Indians to live and experience the freedom, peace and unity in diversity celebration.