Events in 2016

Freshers Day
Details: The students of 2nd year B.Com organized a welcome party for their juniors on 27-08-2016 at Sir M Vishveshwaraiah Hall, HFGC hunt for Ms. Fresher & Mr. Fresher HFGC was conducted where in Ms. Rini V & Mr. Manoj patel won the title. Dr. Sujatha Krishnamurthy, Principal, Mr. Chethan H, Vice Principal & Mrs. Nagasri S, Asst. Prof. was the jury members. Treasure Hunt was conducted for juniors as well as teaching & non-teaching staff. Prizes were distributed to the winners & refreshment was arranged by 2nd year B.Com students.
Date : 27-08-2016

Yuva Sambrama Dance Competition
Details: The students of HFGC participated in Dasara – 2016 ‘Yuva Sambrama’ Dance Competition held on 25th September 2016at open air theatre, Manasagangothri, University of Mysore. They were trained by “Heart Beats Dance Academy”.
Date: 25th September 2016

Inter-College Competition
Details: The students of HFGC participated in “Techcom 2016” held on 29th September 2016 at Gopalswamy College of professional studies.
Date: 29th September 2016

Workshop on "Teaching of English- Theory and Practice"
Details: The department of English, HFGC organized a workshop on ELT (English Language teaching) on 27th September 2016. The topic of the workshop was “Teaching of English Theory & Practice” Prof. K C Belliappa, Former Vice Chancellor of Rajiv Gandhi, Central University, Arunachal Pradesh was invited as the chief guest and to inaugurate the workshop. Prof. G Rajagopal, Rtd., Prof. from English and other Foreign Languages University (EFLU), Hyderabad with four and half decade of teaching training experience was the resource person. Around 60 participants from various palaces – Mysuru, Nanjangud, Kollegal, Chamarajanagar, Ramanagar, T. Narasipura, Mandya took active part in the workshop.
Date: 27th September 2016

Saraswathi Pooja
Details: The staff and students of HFGC, signifying the ‘____ & Knowledge’, organized ‘Saraswathi Pooja’ at the HFGC Library on 08th October 2016 as a part of Dasara Celebration 2016.
Date: 08th October 2016

Special Lecture – English for I B.Com
Details : A special lecture on “Theme of mortality in Ode to West Wind by P B Shelly” was organized on 20th October 2016 at 10.30am for 1st year B.Com students. Mrs. Rajini M.N. Asst. Prof of English, Govt. First Grade College for Women, Byrapura, T. Narashipura delivered the lecture.
Date: 20th October 2016

Special Lecture – English for II B.Com
Details : A special lecture on Symbolism in Paulo Coelhos novel, The Alchemist’ was organized on 20th October 2016 at 1.00pm for IInd year B.Com students. Mrs. Safeena Banu, Asst. Prof of English, Govt. First Grade College, Chamarajanagara, delivered the lecture
Date: 20th October 2016

Kannada Rajyotsava
Details: On 3rd November 2016, the staff & Students of HFGC celebrated ‘Kannada Rajyotsava’ at Sri M Vishveshwaraiah Hall, HFGC. A PPT on “Kannada Nadina Hithihaasa” (History of Karnataka State) was projected to bring to light the culture and heritage of our state. In the presence of OFPL, Wing Commander Mr. Rajgopal as the Guest of honor.
Date: 3rd November 2016

Tree Plantation
Details : With a view to protect and safeguard the environment, the staff & students of HFGC, planted around 50 saplings in J.P. Nagar on 04th November 2016. The college also provided tree guards (fence) for 25 saplings in the presence of Mayor B.L. Byrappa, who launched the event with the students, Vice – Principal Mr. Chethan. H. Teaching & non-teaching staff of HFGC.
Date: 04th November 2016

Engineers Day
Details : A quiz competition was organised for the students of HFGC as the part of celebration of “Engineer’s Day”. Mr Manu and Mrs Dhanalakshmi, the quiz Master conducted quiz of four rounds.
Date: September 19th, 2016

Teachers Day
Details: Students of HFGC, Uniquely organised various programmes and games for teachers on the occasion of Teachers Day.
Date : September 19th, 2016

Inter Class Sports
Details: As part of “National Sports Day”, an inter-class Volley Ball match was organized on 29/08/2016 between I year and II Year B.Com students.
Date: August 29th, 2016

Independence Day
Details: Prof M.G. Basavaraju, former Director, Mahatma Gandhi Bhavan was invited as chief guest for the function. The Flag Hoisting was followed by cultural programmes by students.
Date: August 15th, 2016

Seminar by Mr Bosco
Details: A special lecture on “Transformation” was arranged on 10th August 2016. Mr W. Basco Eraiyanbu, an educationalist, and also a Licensed Assessor of National Accreditation Board for Education and Training addressed the students for about 1 1/2 hours.
Date: August 10th, 2016

Talents Day
Details : A Unique platform was created to find out and encourage the hidden talents of our students on 08/08/2016. Students exhibited their talents in singing, dancing, skits, playing various instruments etc., on “Talents Day”
Date: August 08th, 2016

Dr. K.C.G Verghese Memorial Chess Tournament 2016
Details : One day state level chess competition held at HFGC Dr. K.C.G Verghese Memorial Chess Tournament 2016. Chess tournament starts with moving chess pawn by Dr. Prof S.N Hegde former Vice Chancellor University of Mysore Guest of Honour and Dr. Sujatha KrishnaMurthy Principal, HFGC.
Date: July 10th, 2016

Orientation Program
Details: On 4th July we have conducted Orientation program for HFGC first-year students of B.Com and B.B.A on the stage Mr. Vivek Reddy Resident Executive, Mr RajGopal D.G.M Orient Flights, Dr. Sujatha Krishna Murthy Principal HFGC, Mr.Chethan Vice Principal HFGC.
Details: On 5th July second day orientation program we have called Prof ParashivaMurthy gave a talk on personality development and some of the photos I am sending to post on website and also on facebook.
Date: July 4th & 5th, 2016

Literary Cultural and Management Fest
Details: Literary, Cultural and Management Fest was held on 5th of February 2016 at
Hindustan First Grade College. Ms. Amulya, Leading actors of Sandalwood invited as a
Chief Guest, Mr. Sridhar Jain, a Classical Dancer, Ms. Shilpa Irdal, Miss India first runner up
and Mr. Byrappa, Mayar of Mysore were present.
Date: April 5th, 2016

Winners 2nd Prize
Details: Our college students were participated in Group Dance and won the 2nd prize in
inter college fest held on March 16th 2016 at JSS Women’s College, Mysore.
Date: March 16th, 2016

Seminar 3
DetailsMs. Bhavana Sunil, Soft Skill Trainee, Wipro company has delivered the seminar talk on Feb 22 2016 at our college vishweshwaraiah Hall.
Date: February 22nd, 2016

Founder's Memorial Day
Details : Founder’s Day was celebrated on 15th of February 2016. On this occasion our
Orient Flight School Students were rendered a hymn.
Date: February 15th, 2016

First Prize
Details : Our College students were participated in Mad Ads and won the 1st Prize in Inter
College fest which was held on 13th of February 2016 at Lakshmi Hayagreeva First Grade
College, Mysore.
Date: February 13th, 2016

Seminar 2
Details : Seminar was given by Ms. Sukhee Lee, Advisor of International Affairs, Chennai, held
on 01st February 2016 about Korean Culture and Traditions. Hindustan College, Mysore.
Date: February 1st, 2016

Seminar 1
Details : Seminar talk delivered by Mr. Dwaraknath, Skill Development Trainee held on January 29th, 2016.
Date : January 29th, 2016

Science Exhibition
Details: Our College students were visited National Science Exhibition at University of Mysore.
Date: January 5th, 2016

New Year Celebration
Details: New Year and Christmas Celebration were held on January 4th 2016,
the first day of 2nd semester in the class room.
Date: January 4th, 2016