Founder’s Day was observed on 20th June 2022 at Hindustan College, Mysuru. Homage to the late Dr. KCG Verghese, Founder Chairman, Hindustan Group of Institutions was paid with due benevolence and respect for the person. Founder’s Day was graced with the presence of Mr. Milton Huggins, Vice-President, Orient Flights Aviation Academy (OFAA), Dr. C J Priya, Principal, Staff, and Students of Hindustan College and OFAA. The program was started with the prayer song by OFAA students. Asst. Prof. M Ajay welcomed the gathering. A floral tribute was offered to Late Dr. KCG Verghese. Few extracts of his autobiography “Wheels and Wings” was read by the Principal. The program was concluded with a vote of thanks by Ms. Bhagyalakshmi, Asst. Professor, Department of Commerce and Management.