Hindustan College organised a Hearing Screening Camp on 10th February 2021 in the college campus for the students and staff of HGFC. The Camp was organised in association with All India Institute of Speech and Hearing, Mysuru (AIISH) and Y’s men Club of Mysuru Chamundi. The objectives of the camp was to screen hearing loss, and other communicative disorders (such as learning disability, stuttering, slur speech, delayed speech) etc.
The camp was initiated with an orientation towards importance of diagnosing the hearing loss and speech disabilities at an early stage and treating the disease. The program convenor Ms. Nagasri S, Assistant Professor, Department of English welcomed the gathering. Ms. Cristy of AIISH gave a brief introduction about the cause/ reasons for the hearing loss and other speech disorders, identifying and treating the problems at an early stage etc. The audience were given few tips regarding taking care of ears, which is one of the sensitive organs.
The orientation was followed by the registration of the camp. The history of the patient was also noted during the registration along with the basic details including name and the age group. The registered candidates were sent to audiography testing and the testing of middle ear and the screening of Hearing Loss.
132 members including the Teaching Staff, Admin Staff, Non – Teaching and the students took an active participation in the Hearing Screening Camp. Mr. Mohan Kumar L P, Physical Education Director, Mr. Pradeep, System Admin rendered their assistance in conducting the camp in a successful manner.