The Department of Computer Science organized an Inter-Collegiate Poster Making Competition in celebration of National Science Day on February 28, 2024. The event aimed to raise awareness about the pressing issue of climate change and encourage creative expression among students.

A total of 25 teams from various colleges participated in the competition, showcasing their enthusiasm and interest in addressing environmental challenges through visual communication.

Prior to the commencement of the competition, participants were briefed on the rules and guidelines to ensure a fair and orderly conduct of the event. Emphasis was placed on adherence to the theme of climate change and the importance of conveying meaningful messages through their posters.

The competition spanned a duration of two hours, commencing at 2:30 PM and concluding at 4:30 PM.

Inter-Collegiate Poster Making Competition on the theme of climate change was a resounding success, fostering creativity, awareness, and engagement among the participating students. The event underscored the vital role of science in addressing global challenges and inspired individuals to contribute towards a more sustainable future.

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