An Investment Awareness Program was organized for the students of Commerce and Management Department, Hindustan College on 8/06/2023. Mr. Murlidhar from Beam Outsourcing Services LLP, aimed to educate participants on the importance of investing, common investment mistakes to avoid, creating a personalized financial plan, achieving financial goals such as retirement and child education, and prudent tax planning strategies. He emphasized the significance of investing as a means to build wealth, beat inflation, and attain financial stability. He discussed various investment vehicles, such as stocks, bonds, mutual funds, real estate, and retirement accounts, highlighting their potential for long-term growth and income generation. He stressed the importance of spreading investments across various asset classes to mitigate risk. The program was coordinated by the Asst. Professors Ms. Shruthi L and Mr. Raghunandan from Department of Commerce and Management, Hindustan College, Mysuru.