Coding Event at Yuvaraja College
Mr.Hemanth.Kumar, our coding expert won first place at Yuvaraja, college, Mysore.
Coding Event at Sheshadripuram First Grade College
Mr.Hemanth.Kumar,of II B.C.A, our coding expert won first place at Sheshadripuram, college.
B’Quiz Competition at St.Joseph’s First Grade College
Mr.VIshnuvardhan.V.N & Tejasn.G.N of final B.Com secured first price in the event B’Quiz conducted by the St. Joseph’s First Grade Coliege on 26th February 2019.
Workshop on E-mail Etiquettes and Resume Writing
The department of English organised a workshop on E mail Etiquettes and Resume Writing on Saturday, 23rd February 2019. Ms.Sreevidya, Freelance Soft Skill and Corporate Trainer from Bangalore (with a decade’s experience in training) was resource person for the workshop.
Ethnic Day – 19
On the 19th of February 2019, the ethnic day was celebrated at the HFGC campus. Ms. Surabhi.S & Mr. Goutham.V of 2nd B.Com were crowned as Ms. Ethnic & Mr. Ethnic respectively by the Principal Dr. Sujatha Krishnamurthy, Vice Principal Mr. Chethan.H, Mrs. Nagashri, Cultural Co-ordinators Mrs. Sukshma.R.D & Ms. Nayan Hashmi.
Solo-Singing, Solo-Dancing, Group-Singing & Group Dance Competition
On the 18th of February 2019, the solo singing competition was held in which Mr. Sagar of 2nd B.C.A won the first place & Mr. Varun of 1st B.Com won the second place. The group singing competition winners were Ms. Ramya & Mr. Jayakumar of 1st B.Com. The Solo Dance competition winner was Ms. Rini […]
Seminar on Ethical Hacking
Mr. Irdal, a hacking software engineer from Bangalore, gave a seminar on Ethical Hacking on Facebook with live experience to B.C.A students on Saturday the 16th February 2019 in association with Talk to us, Mysore.
Pencil Sketch Competition
On the 15th of February 2019, the pencil sketch competition was held, in which Ms. Rini of 3rd B.Com the first place and Ms. Meghana of 1st B.C.A won the second place.
Founder’s Memorial Day: 14th Feb
To commemorate Founder’s Memorial Day, Hindustan First Grade College and Orient Flights Private Limited had a small gathering in Visweswariah Hall on 14th February 2019.
Face Painting & Hair Style
On the 14th of February 2019, face painting and hair style competitions were held simultaneously, in which Ms. Vishnu Priya of 1st B.Com won in face painting & Ms. Shre Shakthy of 2nd B.C.A won in hair style competition.